Before arriving in Salvador, Bahia, in January, my friend Prandhara Prem messaged me and asked if I would be interested in joining her for a Kambo ceremony. Usually, if she’s doing it, I’m interested and curious. She is the one friend who is extremely adventurous when it comes to discovering all sorts of healing and [...]
Ayahuasca is a powerful psychoactive brew made from two key plants native to the Amazon rainforest: Banisteriopsis caapi, a vine that contains harmala alkaloids, and Psychotria viridis, a shrub whose leaves contain dimethyltryptamine (DMT). When combined, these plants create a brew that induces profound alterations in perception, consciousness, and emotional states. The brew is traditionally [...]
I’m hosting my first ayahausca medicine ceremony in Salvador, Brazil with my Kariri-Xocó family! January 31st at 19:00hrs (7pm), Huni Kuin guardian of ayahausca, Txana Bari will offer ayauascha, sananga, and rapè during a traditional plant medicine ceremony. These sacred medicines will open up ancestral wisdom and spirituality of indigenous peoples of the Brazilian Amazon.  [...]
Photo by Gaby Arriola ( The Huni Kuin, also known as the Kaxinawá, are an indigenous people from the Amazon rainforest, primarily located in the western part of Brazil, particularly in the state of Acre, but they also inhabit parts of Peru. They are part of the Panoan linguistic group, and their language is called [...]
The Kariri-Xocó are an indigenous people from the northeastern region of Brazil, primarily in the states of Alagoas and Bahia. They are part of the Kariri group, which historically inhabited a broader area of northeastern Brazil, and are considered part of the larger Tupi-Guarani language family. The term Kariri-Xocó refers to the union of two [...]
In Brazil, genipapo (Genipa americana) holds significant spiritual and ceremonial value in indigenous and Afro-Brazilian traditions, where it is used in the preparation for medicine ceremonies and healing rituals. The plant is seen not only as a powerful ally for physical purification but also as an important spiritual tool, playing a role in aligning one's [...]