Thank you for RSVP-ing for Beads in the Trap, a cannabis friendly day party and body adornment shopping experience.
Here are the details for this waist bead and wine situation:
4pm – 8pm | 9209 Nathaline | Redford, MI 48239
(enter the garden at the side entrance)
I will have over 100 hot waist bead styles fresh from Ghana including, arm and neck candy, fabrics, clothing and more!
What to expect? African Medicine Wheel readings with Queen Amina, Sex Power Conversation with Dr. Vee and actress Nyahale Allie (P Valley), Sacral West African Dance Movement with Imani Ma’at, Complementary massage by Luxurious Essentials*.
Come chill and vibe in the garden as you shop and sip! Feel free to bring a lawn chair, blanket to enjoy the garden and ADULT provisions because we getting it in under the sun.
DAY OF PAYMENT OPTIONS: Cash | CashApp | Zelle | Credit
* With $125 minimum shopping spend 4pm-6pm