On Jan 30, 2020, I participated in a Instagram live with my friend, Tony, a practitioner of African Sacred Traditions and  Cultural Custodian and owner of Return to Kemet. We discussed sound healing, my practice and a few things in between. Most importantly, we used this time to announce our new partnership! We followed Feb01, 2020 with [...]

I’m excited to announce that Sankofa Mind + Body is celebrating Black History Month 2020, by offering a special! If you make an advanced donation to attend a session, bring a friend to come experience these vibes with you at no additional cost. My inspiration for this offering? It’s Black History Month! AND!!! In Feb, […]

It wasn’t so long ago that I was in Brazil living, learning, exploring, & putting work in between Salvador, Bahia and Rio de Janeiro. I’m so excited to announce that I will be returning to Rio de Janeiro late April and will be co-facilitating another life lifting workshop with my friend, Prandhara Prem! Sunday, April […]

Recently, I mentioned my experience working with Prandhara Prem in Rio de Janeiro, who partnered with me for a chakra clearing workshop through her Copacabana tantra practice. Prandhara Prem moved us through synchronizing our energy with fluid body movement which led us to then deep deep deep deep chakra breathing. VIDEO LINK As seen in [...]

On November 1, 2019, I left for Salvador, Bahia, Brazil for an awesome adventure. The purpose was to provide logistical support for The Nude Rainforest Yoga Retreat, offered by my friend and brother, Kamean AKA The Kemetic Yogi. I also planned to do some spiritual work and searching as well, as I continue walking down a […]

Hey Detroit, I am making my way back and can’t wait to share my Brazilian experiences with you! Let’s start these conversations this Sunday at the N’namdi Movement Center for our Sound Bath Meditation. Offered in the heart of Detroit’s cultural district, our sound meditation is a 60-minute experience that alternates between sound immersion, vibration, […]

This maraca was created my friend, Cacique Paruanã, a shaman from the Kariri Xoxo people of Brazil. The Kariri Xoco are located about 3-4 from Salvador, Bahia and are about 3,000 members strong! After I accepted this beautiful maraca, it was consecrated by ceremony and fire under the full Beaver moon. I’m so very excited […]