After some traumatic life experiences three years ago that affected my mental and emotional well-being, I turned to yoga to help refocus and heal myself. Since beginning my practice, I have been pushing and challenging my abilities and limits to see how far I could go. I have been happy and amazed with my growth! [...]
Detroit: Join Sankofa Mind + Body and yoga instructor Randi July 11, 2020 at 930am for the Yoga Brunch; a monthly summer 420 friendly chill yoga & sound meditation experience centered on self care, clearing the chakras to balance, restore, detox stress, emotional trauma, and anxiety. Agenda: - 930/945 Fire Circle / Intros - 950/1050 Vinyasa [...]
My Happy Place: A beach. Hot sand. Gentle warm breezes. The smell of the ocean. The sounds of palm fronds rustling the wind & waves crashing. This is where I want to be! When I meditate, this scene is where I am. Safe. Happy. Warm. Black. Unbothered. Healing from with. This week, my meditation practice [...]

It’s official-official… Sankofa Mind + Body has a home! Thanks to our good friends at the N’Namdi Center for Contemporary Art in the heart of Detroit, we have space to grow our sound meditation practice! After putting the desire for practice space in Detroit into the universe for 2020, it became a reality for 2019! […]

Last Saturday was absolutely amazing in all the ways that I hoped for. The Yoga Bath at the N’Namdi Center for Contemporary Art attracted souls from across the Detroit area who gathered in a space that was not only beautiful with amazing art from Detroiters but it was also a healing space filled with light! […]

Smudging is a practice that’s been around for centuries and is synonymous with native cultures around the world. Smudging calls on the spirits of sacred plants such as tobacco, sage, cedar, lavender, palo santo and more to drive away negative energies, increase personal peace in addition to provide mental clarity. These dried plants are burned […]