Crystal or Metal: Which Singing Bowl is Best?

Singing Bowl for MeditationWhen I was first introduced to sound healing in February 2019, it was during an experience that began with crystal singing bowls and it opened me up to a new meditation world. When I started using sound as a tool to meditate, I leaned into practicing and soon amassed a beautiful and effective crystal singing bowl collection.

September 2019, I attended a sound experience with Dr. Dream where he used over 75 Tibetan singing bowls & I decided then that I wanted to primarily work with metal Tibetan singing bowls. I started by selecting my Sacral bowl, which I was able to purchase from Dr. Dream.

While I decided to center my practice with Tibetan singing bowls, I will also use crystal singing bowls because I know the power of these bowls. Crystal Singing Bowls and Metal/Tibetan Singing Bowls are both used for meditation, sound healing, and relaxation. 

However, they have distinct differences in terms of materials, manufacturing process, and sound quality.

If you’re thinking about adding a sound bowl to your meditation or relaxation practice, read and listen to my breakdown below.

Crystal Singing Bowls

Sankofa Mind + Body


Crystal singing bowls, have been around since the 1980s. They were first developed by a group of researchers and musicians, who experimented with various types of quartz crystal and their resonant properties. Early on, they noticed, that when struck or rubbed, quartz crystal bowls produce rich, pure tones with a long sustain.


Made from pure quartz crystal. The crystal used is typically over 99% pure. These bowls are created by heating and melting the crystal at high temperatures, then shaping and cooling it to form the bowl.

Sound Quality:

Produces a clear, pure, and penetrating sound. They create a resonant, bell-like tone that is often described as ethereal, heavenly, or angelic. Crystal bowls have a long sustain and tend to produce higher-pitched and more precise tones compared to metal bowls.

Manufacturing Process:

Crystal bowls are manufactured using advanced techniques and machinery. The process involves precise cutting, shaping, and tuning of the crystal to achieve specific frequencies and harmonics. The bowls are polished to a smooth finish and can have different sizes and shapes, including frosted or clear variations.

Usage and Purpose:

Used for meditation, energy healing, and spiritual practices. These bowls are believed to have a high vibrational frequency that can help balance and align the chakras, promote relaxation, and enhance clarity and focus. Crystal bowls are also used in sound baths and therapy sessions.


Super easy to clean & they travel very well without extra precautions. Avoid keeping bowls in prolonged sun as they can become very hot and difficult to handle until cooled.

Metal Singing Bowls


Metal singing bowls have a long history and cultural significance, particularly in Tibetan and Himalayan regions. They are used in various religious and spiritual practices, such as meditation, prayer, and rituals. The bowls are often considered sacred objects and are believed to carry the blessings and intentions of the artisans who create them.


Traditionally made in the Himalayas from a combination of metals, including copper, tin, zinc, and other alloys. These handcrafted  instruments are hammered and shaped into a bowl shape.

Sound Quality:

There bowls are known for their rich, warm, and earthy sound. They have a more complex and layered tone with a mix of harmonics and overtones. Metal bowls can create a variety of tones depending on how they are played, including deep and grounding sounds, as well as higher-pitched tones.

Manufacturing Process:

Traditionally handmade using age-old techniques in the Himalayas. Skilled artisans carefully hammer the metal by hand to shape the bowl and create specific frequencies and vibrations. Metal bowls may have variations in their shape, size, and surface texture due to the handcrafted production.

Usage and Purpose:

Used for centuries in Tibetan and Buddhist traditions for meditation, rituals, and ceremonies. These bowls are known for their grounding and centering qualities. Additional, these bowls are used to create a calming and soothing ambiance, promote deep relaxation, and clear negative energy.


Super easy to clean & they can travel but must be protected well. Can also be prone to breaking while playing (I’ve broken 3 bowls).

When you are ready to make a choice for your practice, it’s important to note that many people around the world find both crystal & metal singing bowls beneficial, so explore to determine which resonates more with your needs.

If you have a singing bowl, comment and tell me what you have and what makes it work for you?