Why I Chose Thai Massage


by: Tafari


April 11, 2024


Categories: Chakra Alignment, Detroit, Energy Balance, Healing, Life Balance, Massage, Meditation, Travel

Why I Chose Thai Massage

Thai Massage Detroit

About twelve years ago, I happened to be in Los Angeles on vacation when I decided to get my first Thai massage. I knew nothing of it but knew that I wanted a massage. So I booked an appointment, got the massage and was left in AWE of how amazing and therapeutic it was.

I tried deep tissue massage over and over for relief but while deep tissue massage helps, the benefits were not long lasting. My admiration for Thai massage was further cemented when I began experiencing persistent neck and shoulder issues. Since then, I have eagerly shared the benefits of this massage practice. 

I made my way to Thailand and got massage treatments that really started to give some real relief. In fact, over the course of about 2 weeks, I received approximately fourteen massages with specific focus on my neck & shoulder. Of course, I was super relaxed but by the end of the trip, I was 100% pain free!

This relief from pain lasted for nearly one year. By that time, I was already back in Thailand and started another round of treatments and the rest is history. I have been pain free ever since.

This testimony motivated me to consider learning the techniques of Thai massage to offer treatments and relief to those in my community, and communities abroad.

In late 2023, I finished my research and decided to get trained on Traditional Northern Thai massage at the International Training Massage School in Chiang Mai, Thailand. I settled on a five-week course that would teach me the fundamentals of Thai massage and some deeper element of this ancient tradition.

My training program included:

Week One: Foundation of Thai Massage – Teaches stretches, acupressure points, and proper use of body weight using thumbs, palms, elbows, knees and feet

Week Two: Intermediate Thai Massage – Expands on the techniques learned in Level I to cover the side, back and sitting positions

Week Three: Advanced Sen – Energy Lines – In-depth knowledge of the 10 major energy lines (SEN) and their application combined foundational Thai massage movements

Supplemental Course: Thai Foot Reflexology Massage – Working with foot reflex points that correspond with each organ and body system with emphasis placed on techniques used to loosen up and relax the feet as well as to encourage the body to naturally restore balance

Week Four: Advanced Therapeutic Thai Massage Upper Body – Teaches deeper acupressure points to relieve ailments for the upper parts of the body such as headache, neck pain, shoulder pain, numbness of arm, weak arm, elbow pain, wrist pain

Weeks Five: Advanced Therapeutic Thai Massage Lower Body – Teaches acupressure points to relieve ailments for the lower parts of the body such as back pain, lower back pain, hip pain, knee pain, numbness of leg and ankle sprain

Collectively, my program was 166 hours of learning and practicing!

The training opened me up to so many new things and some unexpected things that really gave me an enriched learning, soulful, and social experience.

You can follow along my journey in Thailand on my YouTube page here.

Without a doubt, This training and experience in Chiang Mai was a good value in every way.

Now that I am back in Detroit, I am working my way to open up my practice to share the magic of these newly trained hands and provide care for those who want to experience these benefits and body magic of Thai massage.

Thai Massage DetroitHistory of Thai Massage

The father of Northern Thai massage is believed to be Shivago Komarpaj, also known as Jivaka Kumar Bhaccha. He was a legendary physician and healer who lived during the time of Gautama Buddha, around 500 BCE.

Shivago Komarpaj is revered in Thai culture as the “Father Doctor” and is credited with being the personal physician to the Buddha himself. According to traditional Thai medicine and folklore, he developed the art of Thai massage as a form of therapeutic bodywork to alleviate physical ailments and promote well-being.

Legend has it that Shivago Komarpaj imparted his knowledge of massage and healing techniques to the Buddhist monks, who in turn spread these practices throughout Thailand and neighboring regions. Over time, these techniques evolved into various forms of Thai massage, including Northern Thai massage.

While historical records about Shivago Komarpaj are limited, his legacy remains deeply ingrained in Thai culture, and he is revered as a seminal figure in the development of traditional Thai medicine and massage.

Northern Thai Medicine Schools: Northern Thailand has been a hub for traditional medicine schools, where practitioners learn and refine the techniques of Northern Thai massage. These schools often blend traditional teachings with modern scientific knowledge to provide comprehensive training.

Modernization and Globalization: In recent decades, Northern Thai massage has gained recognition beyond Thailand’s borders. It has been integrated into wellness resorts, spas, and alternative medicine practices worldwide. However, there’s also been concern about cultural appropriation and the dilution of traditional techniques.

Benefits of Traditional Northern Thai Massage

Thai Massage DetroitDeep Muscle Relaxation: Northern Thai massage involves a combination of gentle stretching, acupressure, and rhythmic compression techniques. These methods help to release tension and promote deep relaxation in the muscles, allowing for increased blood flow and nutrient delivery to the tissues.

Improved Flexibility and Mobility: Through passive stretching and joint mobilization, Northern Thai massage can enhance flexibility and mobility. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with tight muscles or limited range of motion

Stress Reduction and Mental Relaxation: The rhythmic movements and soothing touch of Northern Thai massage can induce a state of deep relaxation, helping to alleviate stress and promote mental clarity.

Balancing Energy Flow: Northern Thai massage is based on the concept of energy lines, known as Sen lines, which are believed to run throughout the body. By applying pressure to specific points along these lines, Northern Thai massage aims to balance the body’s energy flow, promoting harmony and vitality.

Pain Relief: Northern Thai massage can be effective in relieving chronic pain conditions, such as back pain, neck pain, and headaches. The combination of acupressure and stretching helps to release muscular tension and alleviate discomfort, providing natural pain relief.

Enhanced Circulation: The gentle kneading and pressing movements of Northern Thai massage stimulate blood circulation, which can help to improve oxygen and nutrient delivery to the body’s tissues.

Detoxification: Northern Thai massage can stimulate the lymphatic system, which plays a crucial role in detoxifying the body and removing waste products and toxins. By promoting lymphatic drainage, Northern Thai massage can support the body’s natural detoxification processes and improve overall health.

Improved Posture: Regular sessions of Northern Thai massage can help to correct postural imbalances and misalignments by releasing tension in the muscles and restoring proper joint function.

Boosted Immune Function: The stress-reducing effects of Northern Thai massage can have a positive impact on immune function. By lowering stress levels and promoting relaxation, Northern Thai massage may help to strengthen the immune system and enhance the body’s ability to fight off illness and infection.

Emotional Healing: Northern Thai massage can provide emotional healing and support by creating a safe and nurturing space for individuals to relax and let go of tension and stress. The therapeutic touch of the massage therapist can promote feelings of comfort, connection, and emotional well-being.

Overall, Northern Thai massage offers a holistic approach to health and wellness, addressing the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of well-being. Its effective techniques make it suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels, providing a natural and rejuvenating way to promote overall health and vitality.