September 23, 2019


by: Tafari


Categories: Detroit, Healing, Meditation, Practice, Smudging, Sound Bath, Sound Healing, Sound Meditation, Sound Therapy



The Welcoming of Autumn

Last night, I welcomed autumn with a candlelit cleansing sound bath with friends. Because the last night of summer was absolutely beautiful, I set up a space outdoors under the cover of umbrellas.

With incense burning, sage smudging… the wind… the cool blades of grass tickling my feet… the lazy and gentle raindrops, and the crickets all made for a beautiful setting for transition of seasons.

This morning, I went to make sure everything was picked up from the night and I found this bright reminder of the beauty of all phases of life. Change is inevitable and we must adjust accordingly.

Autumn is when trees change, transform, & shed. A graceful and colorful process. Much like us… we are constantly changing, transforming, & shedding. All of life is a process. Navigating change, transforming, & shedding are subjective. There is no one way or a wrong way but the key is to not be stagnate in any state. You must navigate through action and commitment to yourself.

I hope that you are ready for this season change and the next phase of your life. It began today!